Latta Family Origins



Scottish Births

The birth information for Scotland prior to 1855 is taken directly from the IGI and shows the date of the christening, the parish and the names of the father and mother.    In some cases, only the father’s name is provided.

In most cases that I can verify from having the actual birth date, christening occurred within the first couple of weeks of the child’s life.   However, it is important to remember that a child could be christened at an older age.   Among my own ancestors (not on the Latta side), I have an example of a child christened at the age of 3.  In some cases the original parish record gives the date of birth as well as the date of christening but this is not included in the IGI from which most of my information has been copied.

For Scottish Registry records, the index provided the name of the child, the year of birth and the registration district from 1855 to 1928.    From 1929, the mother’s maiden surname was added.    Where known to me, I have added the name of the father and the full name of the mother.

Scottish Male Births prior to 1855

Scottish Male Births 1855-1945

Scottish Female Births prior to 1855

Scottish Female Births 1855-1945

English Births 

For English records from the Registry, from 1837 to 1911 the Registry Index record provided the name of the child, the quarter of the year when the birth was registered and the registration district.     From 1912, it also provided the maiden surname of the mother.    From my own records, I have added the name of the father and the full name of the mother, if I knew this information.    It is important to remember that registration might occur a short while after the child was born.     Thus a child born in late December of one year might show as a birth registration in the first quarter of the following year.

English Male Births prior to 1837

English Male Births 1837-1945

English Female Births prior to 1837

English Female Births 1837-1945

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